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Poetry and snark blogger who also has a creative side (who knew?)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Steal This Book!

Do you love to read?

Do you love free stuff?

Do you give to others (monetary donations, food, clothing, etc.)?

If you answered "Yes" to the above, I have a website for you! It's called Concord Free Press. Concord Free Press publishes and gives away books. That's right. They give away books. All that they ask in return is that once you've finished reading the book you receive from them, you pass it along to someone else and that you make a donation to a charity or to someone in need (whatever you want to whomever you want) and chart it on their website. Cool, huh?

Concord Free Press wants to "reconceptualize the goals of publishing." They are not about making money but creating value. They aim to connect writers to readers and generate donations within communities and abroad. I've requested and received one book from them already and have requested my second. They do only small print runs, so there are limited numbers of books, generally only once or twice a year. You can get on their mailing list and be informed when a new one comes out.

Given all the crap that we get ripped off for every day by corporations big and small, I just thought it would be nice to let my readers know about an organization that is doing something good. Be a part of it. Here's the link:


  1. That site sounds awesome! Very interesting concept. Thanks for telling me about it.

  2. Concord? But...I'm still confused about Paul Revere's ride. Let me go ask Sarah Palin...


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